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A Letter from The President – 3/11/2022

Hello Cougar Fans,

I hope you are all doing well! It has been a little bit of time since our last update, and I apologize for that. We have seen a lot of Cougar success over the last several weeks!

Boys Soccer:
The boys continue to roll, and are currently 19-2 overall! Friday night at 7:30 PM we play Jersey Village for the district championship! I know it is going to be cold, but if you get the chance, head out and support the Cougars as they fight for a championship!

Girls Soccer:
After a slow start, the ladies have played very well, and have clinched a playoff berth for the second year in a row! Tonight is the last home game of the year, and we will celebrate the seniors!

Girls Basketball:
The girls had another successful season as we won district and bi-district championships. We fell in the area round of the playoffs this year, but we return a lot of talent and experience for next season.

Boys Basketball:
The boys won their 2nd consecutive district championship, and advanced to the 3rd round of the playoffs. We also return a lot of talent, and will look to make another deep run next year.

The season has kicked off, and the team is playing good baseball. We are fighting through a very tough schedule with a .500 record, and are looking to be very competitive in district play. As always, 17-6A is very competitive, and we hope to be in the race for a playoff spot.

Softball has started district play 2-1, and will play their 4th game tonight. The team is very young and inexperienced, but are showing promise early. They are looking for a 4th straight playoff season. Would be 5th straight if not for covid!

Both the boys and girls teams are having great seasons! Follow up on Twitter for updates

Water Polo:
Water polo season has started, and it is going to be another great season. We will keep you updated as we go.

The boys just won another tournament last weekend, and look strong early as they prepare for another run at state!

Thanks for all of your support!!

Ahh CC

Josh Martin
CCABC President

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